Potty problems: bathroom issue begins to stink
Locked doors begin to upset some students
November 19, 2022
While cell phones in classrooms have been the main focus of attention to begin the school year, it’s a different issue that students are saying is beginning to stink.
This year, a new bathroom policy has been put into pace, throwing out the past policies of allowing students to use the bathroom with the consent of their teacher. No longer are students permitted to use the bathroom without unlimited use, getting just three passes per partial, per class.
While the limit of three trips to the bathroom during a class per partial seems to be going over smooth, intermittent closures of certain bathrooms on campus is beginning to wear on students.
“I don’t like that they limit the use of the bathroom to all of us, just because there is a group of people who don’t do what they should,” said Jose Manuel del Pozo, a senior.
People were starting to come to peace with the bathroom policy, until bathrooms were locked and could only be opened with a key that has be obtained by the office. While some people are suggesting that the closures are due to certain illicit activities going on in the bathrooms, the schedule and reason for these closures is not clear.
Some bathrooms, such as the one upstairs in the high school hallway, are locked more than others. Many times, this happens during breaks, lunch, and other times when high school students have free time.
According to Julia Davalos, a high school counselor, there are some other ways that the issue of bad behavior in the bathroom could be resolved.
“I think that the duties of the teachers must be changed since the behavior of the students is very good,” said Davalos. “It’s better to put adults outside the bathrooms, so that they are open and students have more access.”