The Student News Site of Colegio Menor

El Ojo del Oso

El Ojo del Oso

El Ojo del Oso

Supporting Students Where it Matters Most

Carolina Andrade joins Menor’s HS Counseling Team
Joselo Begnini
Senior Valentina Mosquera chats with new Menor counselor Carolina Andrade.

Caro Andrade’s enthusiasm for psychology and her ability to make a real difference in the lives of students at Colegio Menor are qualities that have earned her the respect and affection of those she serves.

Carolina Andrade is a new high school counselor at Menor this year.

“What motivated me is the power that psychology has, which is, that psychology can transform someone’s life,” Andrade said. “Several forms of powerful deep transformation can heal.”

In her first year serving students at Colegio Menor, Andrade’s passion for the field of psychology is evident in her work, where she is committed to helping students navigate the complex world of adolescence. Her primary responsibilities are working with freshmen and seniors.

Valentina Mosquera, a senior at Menor, described Andrade as “super present and attentive to you all the time” and highlighted her caring nature. 

“Her personality is bubbly and sweet,” said Mosquera. “She is exceptionally focused on her commitment to us, and that leads people to approach her so they can have a safe place in counseling.”

Andrade’s dedication is evident through her constant availability. 

“Caro is always there for when we need,” Mosquera added. “Her unwavering support and accessibility make students feel comfortable seeking help and guidance.”

Andrade joins long-time high school counselor Ana Paula Santamaria in the high school’s counseling department. According to Santamaria, Andrade makes a perfect addition to the team.

“I think that Caro comes to contribute a lot to us with her affection to deal with things from a loving perspective,” Santamaria said. “We do need that family affection… those more maternal instincts.” 

Andrade’s ability to connect with students on a personal level is seen as a valuable asset in her role as a school counselor. Her experience working in outpatient therapy and her expertise in addressing issues like depression and anxiety have not gone unnoticed.

“She brings a lot of experience in working individually with outpatient therapy patients and thinking in more specific ways with situations like depression and anxiety,” added Santamaria. “With the experience of having dealt with kids from college, it helps a lot for the seniors.” 

Andrade’s journey as a school counselor has just begun at Colegio Menor, but her impact has been undeniable. With her dedication to helping students, her empathetic approach, and her background in psychology, she is leaving a lasting impression on those she encounters. 

“The more you know about human beings, the more you get surprised and change the way you think,” said Andrade, who is new to the team this year. “That is the incredible part of working as a counselor.”

Should you feel the need to speak with our high school counseling team, or know someone that might benefit from the extra social and emotional support, the door (in the corner of the high school’s third floor hallway) is open.

Just reach out.

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About the Contributors
Victoria Guarderas
Victoria Guarderas, Layout & Design
Victoria Guarderas, a 17-year-old senior decidedly joined journalism class to take advantage of the creative and artistic opportunities it allows, which is to say for fun, along with that she wants to help better design the newspapers’ outlay and aesthetic. Victoria thoroughly enjoys 2D Art and Ceramics as creative outlets for her insatiable creativity. But school isn't always about classes, for Victoria it's also about hanging out in the sun with friends during lunch and break, where it's really at. But photosynthesizing isn't all. When she's not hindered by school, she can be often found in the gym, cooking, hanging out with her friends, or watching movies, maybe more than one at a time. Victoria hopes to have wondrous travels through Europe, but more specifically she hopes to attend university in Madrid where ideally she's planning on studying architecture, and eventually business and design as well. This works out seeing as Victoria's favorite setting is the beach... where she can enjoy the breeze and sand beneath her feet, while watching the sunset, all coming together with the sound of music.
Joselo Begnini
Joselo Begnini, Copy Editor
Joselo Begnini is a 17 year old student in 12th grade. He is 150cm with dark brown hair. Joselo likes to be called “Chori”. He joined this class because he wanted to participate in the school’s newspaper and make it even better.  “Greatness is coming to the school’s newspaper,” said Chori. Chori enjoys spending time with friends and eating during school time. His favorite class is sculpture but he really like Journalism too. His favorite teacher is Matthew Smith.  Outside of school he likes to go out with friends and spend time with them. Chori does not have any hobbies besides playing video games.