The Student News Site of Colegio Menor

El Ojo del Oso

El Ojo del Oso

El Ojo del Oso

Meet the Teachers

10 New Members Named to High School Faculty
Courtesy Photo
New staff members of Colegio Menor during their training sessions in August.

Every year, as the summer comes to an end, students get ready to start a new school year and return to their beloved campus. 

That includes meeting new teachers. In high school, more often than not everyone is familiar with the teachers prior to the start of the school year. But a surprise might be waiting when walking in to find a fresh collection of new faces amongst the new staff members.

This year there are 10 new members to the faculty of the high school at Colegio Menor.

Paula “P” Salazar is a teacher with undeniable experience in this field, having taught years upon years of Calculus on top of her own rigorous studies. “P ” is an amazing teacher and in they are in charge of instructing calculus, AP calculus, and AP statistics. 

After a long conversation with P about why it’s important to understand teachers as well and to appreciate some of what our school has to offer, it became obvious that there are many things students don’t get to see or experience going on behind the scenes. 

A teacher like “P” has been allowed to make their class a unique space; this “freer environment” has given them a space where they have had the ability to teach appropriately and (more importantly) comfortably.

P came here because this school offers a lot of things that aren’t commonly offered in other schools. Before coming here P was also teaching at another bilingual school in the area, but it lacked certain amenities . 

“I was teaching all over the place,” said P. “I was teaching everywhere from fifth grade to (Grade 12) and I would much rather teach more interesting math.”

As a teacher, lacking administrative organization can be difficult and that’s one of the reasons “P” decided to come here. 

The staff at Colegio Menor has made many attempts to make the new teachers’ environment into a welcoming community. According to Ana Paula Santamaria, a school counselor, they even have partners for teachers to help make the adjustment.

Similar to students, new teachers are often assigned someone to help them find their way in the Menor community. Teachers have even set up multiple events amongst each other and have a wall for staff shoutouts in the faculty room.

The staff shout-out board in the break room. (Courtesy photo)

“Teachers like to set up events in their classes, and in the last few weeks, we have had a few,” said Santamaria. “Mariel invited us for a sort of picnic lunch in her class, and Val did too! She even bought pizza for all of us.”

Beyond what teachers can do for each other, human resources has been a real means of support. This department, located in the front office, focus a lot of their efforts on making the transition for teachers as comfortable as possible.

According to “P,” a special thanks goes out to members of that department: Carolina Martinez, Andres Coronel, Maria del Pilar, Camila Ripalda, and Paola Chiriboga.

It may not seem like it, but often teachers who aren’t from here have a tougher time assimilating, so remember to be nice and welcoming to all of your teachers this year. 

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About the Contributor
Jose Manuel Torres
Jose Manuel Torres, Features Editor
Meet Jose Manuel Torres, a high school student whose love for writing and research led him to the world of journalism. He finds joy in expressing his ideas and exploring various subjects outside the classroom. Beyond journalism, Jose Manuel thrives in science, biology, and philosophy classes. He's also active in physical education and Model United Nations. This diversity reflects his insatiable curiosity. Jose Manuel enjoys cooking, spending time with friends, watching series, and playing Nintendo. His interests keep him balanced and fulfilled. With a goal to learn German and study biology in Germany, Jose Manuel aims high. He aspires to graduate with a bachelor's degree in science, blending his love for knowledge and exploration. His balcony at night is Jose Manuel's haven. There, he contemplates the stars and moon while listening to music, finding inspiration in the vast universe. Jose Manuel Torres is a young, curious individual poised for a future filled with academic achievement and personal growth.